Tom and Jerry laughs at a graffiti of Spike drawn on a wooden fence, until they are confronted by the real Spike who, thinking that they are responsible, gives chase. Tom and Jerry jump a fence into a NASA rocket base and are accidentally launched in a rocket to the planet Dogstar,
a planet inhabited by green canines! They are brought by a couple of dogs to the
planetary headquarters before The Great One---a gigantic golden bulldog with
shimmering red eyes---who has the entire planet under his control and orders T&J ejected into outer space because "Cats and Mice are Enemies". Tom &
Jerry quickly bolts and commandeers a small spacecraft, and the canines hypnotically try to recapture them. After several attempts on Tom and Jerry
fail, they enter the "Forbidden Zone" and discover from The Great One---whom is
actually a terrier who maneuvers about o a jet-powered throne---learn of the
secret of The Planet Of The Dogs: the planet used to be inhabited by cats and mice who later left and traveled to Earth, leaving only the dogs,
who took over in the cats and mice's stead. T&J manage to once again elude
capture and reach the central headquarters, gain control of "The Great One",
which in actuality is a computer, and permanently un-brainwash the dogs into the dogs into loving cats and mice, allowing them to return by rocket to Earth. But when they get back, Spike is as angry as ever! They are again chased by the bulldog, this time into a rocket heading for the moon!
- A takeoff on the 1968 20th Century-Fox classic, Planet Of The Apes. (Coincidentally, NBC aired an animated adaptation of the film on its Saturday Morning
schedule which came on a little after The New Tom & Jerry/Grape Ape Show on ABC in 1975-76: the short-lived
DePatie-Freleng production Return To The Planet Of The Apes.
Even more coincidentally, the last first-run episode of RTTPOTA on NBC, the Bruce Shelly-written, Doug Wildey-directed "Battle Of The Titans," happened to air on the exact same day as Tom & Jerry's Planet Of The Apes spoof on ABC!)
- Joe E. Ross takes over for Don Messick as the voice of Spike in this episode.
- An important lesson about prejudice can be learned in this episode.
- Animation in this cartoon of Tom, Jerry and Spike jumping into and out of garbage cans resembles that in Episode #80-09, "Gopher Broke."
The Great One is the only dog on the whole planet Dogstar with regular-color
- "Planet Of The Dogs" recycles underscore cues first used in The Herculoids and Birdman.
The cutup in question is a single, persistent, mosquito who makes havoc for Tom & Jerry while camping. T&J use everything from flyswatters, to honey, to tennis rackets to get rid of him. When T&J spritz the mosquito with DDT, the bug strikes back by calling his battalion! In ducking inside the tent, Tom accidentally triggers a raft with his foot, inflating it and carrying the tent, Tom & Jerry and all into the air. Tom punctures the raft with a stickpin, the escaping air blowing the mosquito squadron askew, and the direction of the deflating raft takes them straight into the living room of their own home. As T&J sleep the night away, the mosquito joins them in slumber.
- Once more, T&J go camping, like they did in Episode #80-20, "Tricky McTrout."
- Uses cues from the underscore of Hanna-Barbera's Dastardly And Muttley In Their Flying Machines
(CBS, 1969-71).
- Blooper: it's nighttime when the mosquito squadron descends upon Tom & Jerry's campgrounds, yet take notice when Tom accidentally inflates their raft with his
foot and the raft carries their tent into the air, it's daytime again!
- Tom speaks, saying "Huh?" and "Yeow!!".
- The moose from #80-16, "Grim And Bear It," turns up again; Thomas hits his right antler with his tennis racket (a reference to "The Tennis Menace," maybe?) chasing the mosquito.
- Jerome also rescues his falling chum from hitting the ground in #80-36, "Triple Trouble"...ironically the first cartoon shown in the very next episode!