On the high seas, Weirdbeard The Pirate displays his new
invention: a boomerang cannonball, as a way to cut down on using new
cannonballs, but it turns out to be a bust when, true to boomerang form, it comes right back and
blasts into the ship, foundering it. During lunch, Weirdbeard discovers Thomas Cat
& Gerald Mouse have stowed away on his ship! The captain threatens to make them walk the plank, but then he remembers he needs
a cabin boy; the one who does the best job stays aboard, with a deep-6 for the other! Tom and Jerry are sent into feverish competition with each
other for the job, starting a chain reaction of blunders and misadventures,
with Tom usually sabotaging Jerry's efforts as they lower the anchor, swab the deck, paint the cabin, and
stack cannonballs in a neat pile next to the cannon. After many mishaps and plenty of damage
done to the ship (it sinks 5 times!), Tom finally wins the job, but
when the captain orders him to make little Jerry walk the plank, Tom protects
his friend by hiding him under his new pirate hat...and faking Weirdbeard out
with a cannonball!
- The third New Tom & Jerry cartoon to be produced but the first to air on ABC, "No Way, Stowaways" had its origins in the 1954 MGM
T&J classic Pet Peeve, in which the owner declares to Spike and Tom that
the one who catches Jerry can stay, sending the cat and dog into a fierce battle against each other for their quarry.
- Weirdbeard knows Tom's name, despite never having heard it.
- Henry Corden (as Weirdbeard) speaks the only lines of dialogue throughout
the entire cartoon.
- Numerous musical stings first heard in these first 3 New Tom & Jerry cartoons would be repeated throughout
future episodes of the entire series. They were also used in episodes of later Hanna-Barbera series The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt
Hour (ABC, 1976), Clue Club (CBS, 1976), and Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics (ABC, 1977).
- These first 3 New Tom & Jerry shorts were shown during this first telecast
in the exact reverse order of production.
- The animation of Tom swinging on a rope from this cartoon is also used in the show's
syndicated opening titles.
- Throughout most of "No Way, Stowaways," Weirdbeard has only one precious
tooth, yet towards the end, where he makes his decision on who should be his cabin boy, he has a full mouth of teeth!
- Weirdbeard The Pirate is named after The Weird Beard, a very popular nightttime disc jockey (real name: Carl Burton Markert
[1945-95]) on WAKY (790 AM) in Louisville, Kentucky, one of the most influential and
highly-respected secondary market Top 40 stations in America, where he served from November 1966 to September 1971.